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Edney Primary School Parents and Citizens Association
Our school has a very active P&C who fundraise and support the students. Our P&C operate the Canteen, our School Banking service for students as well as purchasing goods and improvements across the school including providing shade for our playgrounds, improved air conditioning, technology and many other extras that add to the resources available for students.
Our P&C contributes more than $25 000 annually to improvements for our school community, including
- Doubling every classroom resource budget at a cost of $4 000 – this means more resources for students
- Providing support for our specialist programs in Music, Physical Education and Italian Language at a cost of $600
- Providing an Excursion subsidy fund to make all excursions more affordable for students and families
- Contributing $13 000 to refrigerate our outdoor drinking fountains
- $30 000 contributed to establish 3 Nature Playgrounds, making Natureplay available to every child from Kindergarten to Year Six
- Subsidising the cost of In Term Swimming Lessons for all students, at a cost of approximately $3 500
- $25 000 contributed to refurbish our 30 year old school library
- $10 000 contributed to Physical Education, Health and Wellbeing
- $5 000 donation to purchase a stage to allow our students to shine
- $3 000 donation to purchase play equipment
We invite and welcome all parents and citizens of our community to join us and be a part of adding value to our school and, most importantly, the education of our children. The P&C meet in Week 4 and Week 8 of each school term on a Wednesday evening at 6pm in the School Library.
The Edney Primary School P&C is governed by a Constitution and Rules which define the roles and responsibilities of this body.