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The ASH Committee
The Aboriginal Culture and Perspectives, Sustainability and HASS Committee is comprised of passionate staff from across Edney Primary School. The Committee oversees and organises a range of whole school activities and promotes HASS and the cross-curriculum priorities.
Edney Primary School is continuing to ensure Aboriginal Culture and Perspectives are understood and embraced. We are striving to be a Culturally Responsive School and continually develop through assessment on the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework.
Edney Primary School has proudly been a Waste Wise School as part of the Waste Sorted Schools program for 10 years. Students are taught sustainable practices by correctly sorting their waste at lunch for composting. Each week, a different class is responsible for being our Waste Champions and ensuring our food scraps are composted. All classes have a paper recycling bin and compost bin to reduce their waste to landfill. We participate annually in Clean Up Australia Day with a Clean Up Edney Day to promote environmental responsibility. Edney Primary School also provides recycling opportunities for the school community with a battery collection bin and coffee pod collection bin.
At Edney Primary School, Humanities and Social Sciences are taught in the classroom and often integrated into other learning areas. As outlined in the WA curriculum, all students study History and Geography. Civics and Citizenship is introduced in Year 3 and Business and Economics is studied by students in Years 5 and 6. Alongside these topic areas, students will learn and develop key skills where they will question, think critically, research and understand, make decisions, and become active and informed citizens in their world.
The ASH Committee ensure that we proudly participate in whole school activities such as ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day services, as well as celebrating our diverse cultures through Harmony Week and NAIDOC Week.