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We are EDNEY An Independent Public School



Our aim is to develop students’ mathematical knowledge and skills so they can apply these across the curriculum and use them in real life situations. Excellence in Teaching is promoted by using a consistent whole school language of learning and collaborative teacher planning.

The curriculum is differentiated by quality teaching to meet the needs of all students, including students who are identified as being at educational risk, and we use data from On-entry, NAPLAN, PAT (progressive achievement testing), common assessment tasks, and moderation in our collaborative teams, to support student learning. This includes students who are working below the expected level, as well as students needing enrichment to extend their thinking.

Concepts are taught through the lens of the proficiencies (Understanding, Reasoning, Fluency and Problem-Solving), with students informed about what they are learning in each lesson. Concepts are explicitly taught with a hands-on approach at the forefront, to ensure that understanding takes precedence over algorithms or rote learning. Teachers are encouraged to use a variety of quantitative models for mathematical representation, starting with concrete materials before progressing to pictorial representations and abstract models as they move up the school.

Guided group practice is undertaken by students, with the support of their teachers, before they move to independent practice. Feedback and reflection form a vital part of teaching and learning Mathematics, with students communicating ‘How did you solve it?’, being just as important as the answer or solution.

The current Mathematics, Science and Technologies Committee’s focus is developing a school-wide vocabulary for Mathematics, which is progressive and builds on the previous year. Initially this will be in the Number strand and then later developed in Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. This year we will also be supporting teachers to explore and develop their teaching through the proficiencies.

Edney will celebrate 100 days of school on a whole-school basis, early in Term 3, promoting and fostering an enjoyment of learning  Mathematics.