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We are EDNEY An Independent Public School

Specialist Program



Edney Primary School has a dedicated science lab filled with items that our students find fascinating – skeletons, skulls, feathers, nests, rocks, animal specimens, nuts, leaves, exoskeletons, and all sorts of other interesting items that encourage investigation.

There are four Western Australian Curriculum Science strands taught each year:

  • Earth and Space
  • Chemical Science
  • Physical Science
  • Biological Science

Two of these strands are reported on each year, alternating annually.

The science content includes the three areas of Science UnderstandingScience as a Human Endeavour and Science Inquiry Skills, which are taught in an integrated way.

Students are encouraged to develop their independence as they explore, participate and engage in the world around them. They participate in investigations and experiments, using the inquiry process.

 This inquiry process involves the students:

  • Predicting, posing and responding to questions
  • Planning and conducting scientific investigations to explore and find answers
  • Recording their observations using a variety of digital technologies
  • Sorting and processing their information
  • Discussing and comparing their observations and data with their predictions and with other students
  • Communicating what they have discovered

Pre-primary and Year 1 students have 2 periods of Science every week. The Year 1 classes attend the lab while the Pre-Primary students are taught in their classrooms. Pre-primary students have orientation visits to the lab towards the end of the year.

Year 2 to 6 students have one period of Science in the lab each week. Classroom teachers also cover science literacy content, which supplements the students’ learning with the Science specialist teachers.

Each year National Science Week is celebrated in Term 3 at Edney. National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. Each year has a different theme. The 2023 schools theme is Innovation: Powering Future Industries.