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Experiences of students outside the school grounds contribute to the development of their understandings, skills and attitudes and reinforce the school curriculum. At Edney Primary School, each class will participate in at least one excursion each year.
Consent forms and details are available below for upcoming excursions. Please download, print and return all forms, along with payment, if required, prior to the excursion date.
Edney Primary School organises excursions that support and enrich our learning programs as well as fostering student enjoyment. Attendance and participation in excursions is contingent on maintaining the high standards of behaviour expected at our school. Below are statements from the Edney Primary School Excursions Policy as endorsed by the Edney Primary School Board.
- It is expected that all students will attend planned excursions but if not, will be provided with an appropriate learning alternative at school.
- Students are required to wear school uniform as per the School Dress Code.
- Students will demonstrate expected standards of behaviour.
- Students will remain with their group at all times and be responsible for their own belongings.
- Will be aware of the nature and details of the excursion as outlined in the permission note.
- Should ensure that students are adequately prepared on the day.
- Must complete the Student Health Details and Consent Form for Excursions accurately and promptly, and enclose the required amount of money (where appropriate).
- Will reinforce the school’s behavioural and dress expectations.
- Will understand that poor behaviour may result in exclusion from school excursions.
- Make available necessary medication and application forms as required by their child.
- Understand that students who have not paid and returned all paperwork by the due date may be excluded from participating