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Our Flags
Raising and lowering the flags each day is part of the role of being a Student Leader at Edney. In July the Leaders noticed that the flags were starting to look a little worse for wear and decided to write to Mr Stephen Price MLA, Member for Forrestfield to ask if he could provide us with new Australian, Western Australian, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander flags. On Thursday 25th of August Mr Price, along with Mrs Zaneta Mascarenhas MP, Member for Swan, presented our Student Leaders with 4 brand new flags.

On Monday the 13th of February, Mr Irving came to Edney to teach the Student Leaders the most respectful way to deal with our flags. He taught us how to fold them and dispose of them, how to raise the flags briskly and lower them ceremoniously, and that the flags should always be flown freely and treated with respect. He made sure to not let the flags touch the ground when demonstrating and he set an outstanding example for the Student Leaders. He told us about his army experience and was very inspiring.
Thank you so very much Mr Irving, for taking the time out of your day to guide us through the importance of flags.
Sincerely, Nicole and Skarlet
Student Leaders