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Edney @ Home

The Arts and Italian Language


Ms Reynolds has hand-picked activities to get you singing, moving, listening and responding to music at home. Listen to something new today!

Kindergarten – Year One

I’m a Little Teapot

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Music Memory Game

Old McDonald

Sing Bingo

Junior Primary Songs Pre-primary to Year 2

Herman the Worm


Over in the Meadow


Tooty Ta


Penguin Dance


Middle and Upper Primary Year 3-6


Go on any notation or keyboard skills. The top of all the sections are what the students are currently learning.


  • Classical music listening
  • Research a composer
  • Make your own composition and playbacks.
  • Games for notation and rhythm skills.

Recorder Practice online links


Star Wars listening Glyph Worksheet  Year 3-6

Listen to the music and colour the sheet in with what you hear in the piece of music



Pizza Dynamics– Year 4 – 6

Pizza Dynamics 1

Pizza Dynamics 2

Pizza Dynamics 3

Pizza Dynamics 4

Pizza Dynamics 5

Pizzas Pitch

  1. PizzaPitch1 – Year 3-6
  2. PizzaPitch2 – Year 5-6
  3. PizzaPitch3 – Year 5-6
  4. PizzaPitch4 – Year 4-6
  5. PizzaPitch5 – Year 5-6

Instrument Family Cootie Catcher Year 2-6

InstrumentFamily Cootie Catcher

Year Two – Year Six

Music Memory Game

Weary Will Activity Pack